Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Makes You So Special?

OK, this doesn't have anything to do with art and YES, it's a total rant.  I wasn't even planning on writing a blog today, but a series of events happened that makes me want to SCREAM.  AAAAHHHHHHH!!!  OK, I feel better.  I'll feel even better after I bang this post out.  Notice this car sitting right there.  This is an elementary school.  Apparently the driver felt they were so special they should be allowed to park in a red zone within a couple of feet from a fire hydrant.  This person will say, oh but I was just running in to get my child.  Well, I took this picture after seeing it parked when I arrived and it was still there when I left.  Coincidentally, this school had its library burn down and was closed for about 15 years.  Notice how close the regular parking places are?  WTF??

How about all of you in the corporate world?  Have you worked so hard on something only to have someone else take credit for it when the deal closes.  You busted your ass to create the product, or you worked hours upon hours to fix things others broke, or you took phone calls after hours to calm someone's nerves, BUT there's this person who says, if it wasn't for me...  OR I did this and if it wasn't for that...  WTF?  (By the way, WTF stands for What the Flagnog, as my 5 year old puts it)  Are people really that insecure that they need to step on the other people to make sure they get credit?

In Jim Collins book Good to Great, he discusses the 5 tool CEO.  A significant difference between a good company and a great company is often the CEO.  The key characteristics of that CEO is they surround themselves with talented people and they always PUBLICLY recognize those people.  The CEO's that are all about "ME," well it eventually catches up to them.

Today, I had an e-mail conversation with someone who will remain unnamed.  I couldn't believe how much "me me me" was plastered all over the conversation.  Me and this person lost a decent size opportunity to do a few things together regarding art.  Let me start by saying, I discovered the opportunities which involve my art and I brought this person in because they had pre-existing relationships.  My feeling is 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing.  Needless to say, we lost one of the opportunities today.  I naturally asked about the other three and I couldn't believe the "if it wasn't for me" sentences I got.  Excuse me?  My art, my relationship building, my decision to bring you in on it.

The great thing is I learned so much about this person BEFORE I'm wildly successful.  Luckily, I'm only a little successful, so they haven't benefitted from me too much.  OK, this was a little bit about art.

Chances are, you are not the White Knight, you think you are.  But if you ARE the White Knight, people will know it without you saying anything.  And next time you feel so special that you can park in a red zone next to a fire hydrant, think again.

Come on, now I KNOW, you have a similar story to these.  Tell me yours.  I would love to read them, because I know it will make me feel better.


  1. Oh, hell yes. get out of MEville and into the real world. Exchange ideas and park in a real fucking parking space, for all that's holy.


  2. Well said your posts!! You're influencing me and helping me keep it real!

  3. Amy:

    Another good QOTD. Instead of posting a horrific story of corporate or political narcissism (and I have a bunch) let me compliment you on your exploratory, two-way-street approach to social media. I am a rookie at social--and to be honest--not really comfortable with social I am learning and trying to get comfortable with how I will participate. That being said, I think you 'get it', or at least grasp the building blocks enough to understand that 'me' is not a social interaction. I sense you looking for the balance in focus on self-interest (sales) and focus on the larger body...I see the theme recurring in your blogs/etc, which tells me you do get it...I will find my comfort zone eventually. I may never further a business objective using social media--yet to be seen--but it is an interesting exploration once you notice others, instead of yourself.

    Good post.

  4. Bob - embracing social media as a give and take is a learning process. The other part to learn is what you really want to get out of social media. I can tell you're in the art business in some way, but you may be offering more than just that.

    The main thing is to have fun with it. I hope I don't have too many weak moments like today, but it is nice to have an outlet to share. Keep at it and I know one day a light bulb will go off and you'll know exactly how to use it.

    hanks for being a loyal follower.


  5. Honestly couldn't have said this better! Egotistic people deserve a huge dose of reality. They will get knocked down at some point.

  6. Hi AmyMarie - yeah they will. Isn't it a drag though that we're never around when it happens?

    Wow, that really made me sound like a mean person. Oh well, hey look, a butterfly. ;-)~
